Get Involved in Renaming Woodson High School

After more than 60 years of being named for an active promoter of Massive Resistance to desegregation and FCPS's second longest FCPS Superintendent, W.T. Woodson High School is undergoing a renaming process which includes opportunity for public input:
Complete the online feedback form (September 15-October 12, 12 p.m.)
Attend a Community Meeting at Woodson High School Cafeteria “A” (October 4, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.). Pre-registration is requested.
Attend the Public Hearing at Luther Jackson Middle School (October 10, 5:30 p.m.)
The School Board will vote to initiate the school name change October 12, which will kickoff a second round of community engagement.
Woodson High School students, parents, and community members have long demanded a name change.
4 Public Education reported on the history of W.T. Woodson's namesake in A Tale of Two Woodsons. Historic records demonstrate W.T. Woodson’s endorsement of Massive Resistance, including 1959 comments that desegregating schools is not fair and “highly improper and infringes on human rights.”
4 Public Education and others have recommended potential new names, including Carter G. Woodson, a fellow Virginian and educator, who supported public education for all people and whose efforts continue to contribute to American society and culture.
Whether you are a current Woodson family, Woodson alumni, or neighbor, please consider participating in the renaming process.

Carter G Woodson is my vote!!