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Focus on Equity, Literacy, and Excellence

Saving for education to improve graduation

2025 FCPS Budget Public Input

At the May 14, 2024 Public Hearing in front of the Fairfax County School Board on the 2025 Budget, the auditorium was nearly empty with only six speakers providing public input on the $3.8 billion Fairfax County Public School Budget. 4 Public Education's Vice President, Vanessa Hall, provided the following input:

Our mission at 4 Public Education is to “champion public schools as the cornerstone of a healthy democracy and the right for every child to an exceptional education,” which is why we support fully funded schools and associated equity initiatives that ensure each student receives the support and resources they need to succeed. 

Thus, we ask that greater funding be directed to those who are most vulnerable and underserved, like: Title 1 schools, lower income students, English Language Learners, and students requiring special education support. The families of the most vulnerable students often have the quietest voices, so please listen closely and respond to their needs.

Another equity issue is that recent literacy initiatives in elementary, may be leaving secondary school students behind. We have so many smart, capable high school students whose poor literacy skills may make college inaccessible. Please don’t shut them out from a lifetime of opportunities.

Finally, the proposed 3% pay raise still leaves Fairfax teachers behind. Being underpaid combined with the actions of a few bad actors, some of which are parent operatives and others who are administrators, will have short and long-term consequences in attracting and retaining amazing teachers.

I’ve heard many complaining about taxes, especially on Next Door, and how much money is allocated for our schools, students, and educators. Their complaints fail to recognize the long-term consequences of an under-educated Fairfax County population, which means fewer and/or less-qualified doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and health aids, all of which we need in a rapidly aging population in Fairfax County. I’ve met FCPS graduates in the E.R. at INOVA innumerable times (because we are an accident prone family). They are the best they can be because they came from the best school system. I’d hate for that to change.

1 Comment

Norm Hall
Norm Hall
May 18

Well said. Given the ridiculous 2-minute time limits imposed.

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