Virginia, Ask Your Representatives to Vote YES for Education Funding

The Budget Conference amended version of the proposed state budget, Budget Bill HB 30, was adopted by the General Assembly on March 9th with bipartisan support from both chambers of the General Assembly. This amended version of the Governor’s Budget showed that our legislators recognized the critical needs for k-12 funding and that it should take priority over some of the Governor’s preferred budget items. However, Governor Youngkin is threatening to veto or severely amend the budget bill, putting necessary funding for public education in jeopardy.
Thankfully, the House of Delegates and Senate took to heart the recommendations made by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) on how to resolve the deficiencies in public school funding and the teacher pipeline. Unfortunately, the Governor has mistakenly dismissed those reports as unfounded, although JLARC is a non-partisan and highly respected commission that was directed by the General Assembly to conduct an audit and review of the school funding report.
4 Public education wholeheartedly supports the K-12 education budget offered in HB30, and invites advocates for public education to convince the Governor to prioritize public education. Thank you for answering these easy-to-do calls to action that are listed below and for sharing the links with your networks.
Ask our Republican senators to Vote YES on HB30’s critical K-12 education funding
Ask our Democratic Senators to Vote YES on HB30’s critical K-12 education funding
Ask our Republican Delegates to Vote YES on HB30’s critical K-12 education funding
Ask our Democratic Delegates to Vote YES on HB30’s critical K-12 education funding