Resolutions for a Great Year in Education
To be honest, I’m not a resolutions kind of gal. I feel they are overly aspirational or restrictive, and sometimes a bit selfish. Sure most of us need to lose a little weight, but how many people fail at that particular resolution every year, thereby setting off a year of “failure.” Nevertheless, I do set goals each year, all of which are less sexy than a bikini bod by Memorial Day, but way more achievable. Goals keep me honest, but also ensure that I don’t fail before I even try.
In the last two years, it has been hard to prevent the noise of politics or paid operators from derailing my community goals to support students and teachers in my community. Thus, 2023 seems like a good time to set a resolution for a great year in education in my community. My New Year’s resolution for education is already posted on the Fairfax County Public Schools facebook page:
I hope that my kids are treated with dignity and respect by their teachers and schools, as they have been.
That no governor's political agendas will interfere with their education or safety, and that truthful history will be taught in the classrooms.
As a parent, I think these are the most basic of goals for each and every student in each and every school. I pledge to work with my schools, teachers, students, and like-minded community members to accomplish these goals. Truth be told, these should be the goals of parent’s rights movements across the country: dignity and respect for every student with an education free from political agendas.
I’m not sure why #ParentalRights has been derailed by political operatives, but we need to take it back by resolving to protect and support our teachers, students, and schools. This may look different in your community or you may have more specific goals, so please share your resolution or public education goals for the year.
4 Public Education would love to hear from you. Maybe we can even help you achieve those goals or find like-minded community members who can support you.
Wishing you a healthy, happy, and safe 2023.
