DEI is Civil Rights

DEmyst-I-fied from a K-12 Perspective
Author's Forward: (January 31, 2025): Earlier this week, 4PE approached me about republishing my post on DEI written last year.
Just in one week... one day, not only has DEI become a dirty word, but now it's executive ordered out of our lexicon, soon to be out of all levels of government. You can Google all of the anti-DEI EOs and corporate capitulation to know that we're in dangerous times where only dominant culture is valued and centered.
Of particular note, the January 29th E.O., “Executive Order Ending Radical Indoctrination in K–12 Schooling” threatens to defund schools federally that the president claims promote "radical gender ideology" or "discriminatory equity ideology." However, each locality/school system has full authority over its curriculum; and by law, the government cannot unilaterally take away federal funding from individual school districts. (See more here).
Furthermore, I want everybody to see what DEI actually stands for:
We ARE a diverse nation. Not only by race, ethnicity, religion and gender... but also in thought. Engaging in good faith with diverse opinions and critical thinking is how we grow as people and as a society. Public schools at its best teach children how to think, not what to think.
Don't we want to include and welcome everyone who participates in our public education system?
Don't we want to ensure that every student and staff have the same opportunities to succeed so that they can participate fully in our schools and society?
Not all is lost though. From our leaders to activists on the ground, it is our turn to fight for our values. Let's move forward, not backward. - Anjy
Because DEI is Civil Rights. Centering marginalized children and staff within your systems will only buoy the rest of us.
In light of right wing and monied actors using DEI as a wedge issue to destroy K-12 public schools and higher education in general, it may be helpful to engage with what DEI exactly is, and why it has been implemented in educational settings across the nation.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a paradigm that acknowledges that every person within its community is entitled to dignity and space to exist. Within public schools, DEI departments work to maintain a civilized school and organizational culture celebrating differences among students and staff. This enables students to access learning and makes them more likely to succeed; enabling teachers to best support students while encouraging staff retention at the same time.
It is more than just implementing policies to center marginalized communities; DEI creates the capacity and opportunity where all can thrive and succeed in an increasingly intellectually interconnected global world. For a global society that is empathetic and can think critically about issues from different viewpoints and understandings will only benefit the greater good.
What exactly is “DEI” though?
In the simplest terms...
Why Do We Need a DEI Department?
But why do school systems need whole departments and staff to address issues of marginalization? DEI synergizes efforts between departments to foster achievement for all, not just for the majority, normative students. It would be difficult for even one person to manage all these efforts holistically. Amongst other roles, DEI departments work with (click on the arrow to expand for more information):
Human Resources and Recruitment
DEI starts not just with diverse students, but also with hiring diverse staff who marginalized students can see themselves in. Representation matters and having role models that embody their own realities can foster student aspirations for their own futures. And in school, they can have a shared voice in advocacy for their communities
But marginalized peoples not only benefit: Exposure to diverse educators of all backgrounds helps EVERY student develop interpersonal skills, emotional maturity, and empathy towards others. Challenging preconceptions about others based on prejudices and thinking deeply about the actual communities they live in, and all people that encompass it builds crucial critical thinking skills as they engage with diverse peoples and perspectives.
Professional Development
Academic Support (particularly for lower performing students)
Curricula/Program of Studies
School Climate
Community-Based Learning
Other School-Based Department Coordination/Considerations
DEI Supports Each and Every Student to Succeed
For the naysayers that promote DEI programs as “bloat,” divisive and unnecessary… you just cannot ignore issues away. Differentiation between groups of students is not only academic; no student is alike and there will always be variation between and amongst them due to race, class or other marginalization. And reverting to the same (privileged) lens to solve structural issues… where has it left us? The same groups of children who have always fallen behind (even before the COVID-19 pandemic) will continue to fail. And why is race (and merit) brought up when people of color ascend to leadership positions, while for the truly privileged, even with low test scores, it’s just assumed they are qualified... and it does not stop them from reaching the top.
I am not convinced those who want to eliminate DEI programs want all children to succeed. They only want theirs to hoard all the limited resources public schools possess. Eventually going to Ivy league schools will always and forever be reserved for the most privileged of our society.
And as for school systems who embrace DEI, it must be more than just words. Can your system unequivocally say that their DEI policies and implementation of them is truly having the effect of lifting up marginalized children you work with every day? If not, it’s just a performative exercise without action. Your students deserve better.
Anjy Cramer has a child in Arlington Public Schools.
